WE USE A MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO WORK TOWARDS A COMMON AIM: Innovative tumour therapy by means of molecular intervention

A diverse team needs a common denominator.


M²OLIE Research Campus

M²OLIE (“Mannheim Molecular Intervention Environment“) is one of nine Research Campuses in Germany that have been funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research since 2012 as part of the “Research Campus – Public-Private Partnership for Innovation” Initiative. In June 2019, M²OLIE successfully entered the second of three possible funding phases (2019-2024).

M²OLIE Anniversary Publication [German version]    M²OLIE Anniversary Publication [English version]

M²OLIE Highlights 2022    M²OLIE Highlights 2022 [english]

Aktueller M²OLIE Flyer 2020    M²OLIE Flyer 2020 [english]

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In the M²OLIE Intervention Environment of the Future. © M²OLIE

The Aims of M²OLIE

The aim of M²OLIE is to establish the M²OLIE Closed Loop, a patient-centered and time-optimized infrastructure for innovative tumor therapies. By means of molecular intervention, the aim is to make treatment of cancer patients with oligometastases possible in a “one-stop shop”.

In a multidisciplinary development center, partners from industry, research and public life develop new methods for molecular imaging, diagnostics and therapeutic intervention of oligometastatic patients in clinical practice within the framework of three collaborative projects. A process model and a clinical process management system will ensure the efficiency of the treatment in a smooth closed-loop process. The establishment of the organizational procedure will ensure that the entire process from patient admission and diagnostics to the final therapeutic intervention and discharge of the patient can be carried out within a limited time frame.

The close networking of medical research, sciences, engineering, information science and business administration, and thus the overcoming of complexity barriers ensures the success of M²OLIE.

M²OLIE – The Project.

The M²OLIE Closed-Loop Process starts with the patient’s admission (left). In the next step, an electronic M²OLIE patient file is created using data from MIRACUM. The automated process control takes over and initiates an iterative path of different treatment stages: multimodal (pre-)interventional imaging, automated biopsy, molecular biopsy analysis, individualized minimally invasive therapy. The therapy decision is made as suggested by the digital expert system after the ad hoc tumor board (top center). After the therapy of each metastasis, the patient leaves the Closed Loop with or without subsequent drug tumor therapy (top right). The blue area symbolizes the data lake in which all data is stored, processed and made available on demand. Learn more.

The M²OLIE closed-loop process.



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